Life is Not about being Happy all the Time

This may sound like an odd post for a blog that’s trying to help people live a more blissful life, but I really think this is an important piece of the puzzle to living a better life.

I used to be so hard on myself on days or weeks when I didn’t feel happy. I used to get mad at myself for feeling depressed, anxious, angry, resentful or just blah. I thought I was being ungrateful because others have it worse than me. I thought my bad day could be someone else’s best day. I would start to spiral and think I was going to be stuck in this negative state forever and I was just wasting my day away being in a weird mood for no reason sometimes. 

Then my perception completely changed when I started to realize life is all about polarity. We’ve all heard the saying “you can’t have the good without the bad” but have you ever really given that much thought? If everything in life was great all the time, it would just end up being neutral, because it would be all that we knew. You cannot experience pure bliss if you have never experienced pure misery. Everything in our world has polarity-light vs. dark, cold vs. hot, good vs. evil, happy vs. sad and so on. This is called the Law of Polarity which is a universal law stating everything in the universe has an opposite. 

I believe life isn’t about trying to be happy all the time, it’s about enjoying the process, living in the present moment and growing from the hard times. If you live life trying to be happy all the time, you will end up being disappointed all the time. I don’t want people to read my blog and think I am happy all the time and I am going to show you how to be happy all the time. We need to stop being so hard on ourselves when we’re having an off day. It’s ok to not feel like getting out of bed or working out or cooking some days. Those days are part of life and completely normal!

We also have to remember that social media is only showing everyone’s highlight reel (for the most part). There has been so many times I had an awful day and went to the beach to feel better, snapped a picture and posted it on my story. To anyone who sees my story that day, they would most likely assume I am having a nice day at the beach when in reality I was there to escape a horrible day. I try to keep this in mind as I’m scrolling through social media on my low days so I don’t allow other people’s highlight reels to make me feel worse about myself. 

I also believe we need the bad days to push us towards our passions and our goals. I know I never would have created this blog if I was 100% happy and content with my life. People don’t usually switch jobs when they’re happy and content. Nobody would really be leveling up if they were happy all the time, they’d become stagnant. If you had everything you wanted and were 100% happy, you wouldn’t need to continue to strive for more, there would be nothing more in which you desired. So next time something negative happens to you, try to think of it as “it’s happening FOR me, not TO me”. Step back and try to see what you can learn from it, how you can better yourself from it. Try not to be so focused on having the perfect life, instead, try to go with the flow, trust the universe and enjoy the present moment.




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Created by Samantha Carvalho Design