How to Create Your Ideal Life Using The Law of Attraction

So I talk about the Law of Attraction (LOA) to people ALL the time and I’ve noticed half the people don’t know what it is and the other half don’t believe in it. Once in awhile there will be someone who gets just as excited as me about the LOA and that’s awesome, but doesn’t happen too often.

Like many others who are into the LOA, I was first introduced to it from the Author Rhonda Byrne’s book The Secret. My dad actually read it first back in 2008 while he was going through a tough time and loved it. I saw how much it changed his attitude towards life so I wanted to read it to see what all of the hype was about. I instantly fell in love with the book and then watched the film The Secret that came out in March of 2006 prior to her book and loved that even more. I did think the movie was a bit corny at times and was missing some vital steps, but if you can get past that and be open minded while watching it, your life will literally change forever. 

So What is it?

Simply put, the Law of Attraction is a universal law where you attract whatever you are thinking and feeling into your life, negative or positive, you decide. The LOA is ALWAYS working whether you believe in it or not. Do you ever notice the people who constantly play the victim role, very negative and have a problem for every solution in life have bad things happen to them all the time? Or the people who believe they’re lucky and always end up winning scratch off tickets, raffles, games etc., I don’t believe that is a coincidence, I believe that is the LOA working in action. However, I don’t think it’s as simple as just thinking of something and then it will come true immediately (or maybe that doesn’t happen for me, because deep down I don’t believe in that). 

I have consumed a lot of material about the LOA and use it in my own life every single day. What I learned from my readings and experience is that we have to match the vibrational frequency of whatever it is that we want before receiving it. We are all made up of energy, everything in our world is made up of energy and most importantly, our thoughts are energy. I will have to explain the energy stuff further in another blog post since there is a lot to it, but it’s important to understand in order to use it in your own life and to match the vibrational frequency of what you want. 

How to match the Vibrational Frequency of what you want?

Step #1- Be specific in what you want and desire. The LOA works better when you write down and visualize the specifics of what it is you want in detail. I am going to use winning the lottery as my example so it is easier to explain. The first step would be to write down the exact amount of money you want to win, the specific game you’re going to win and actually picture yourself walking into the gas station and visualize everything from what you’re wearing to what you say to the clerk. See yourself receiving the specific ticket and holding it in your hands.

Step #2- Feel as if it already happened! Experience the emotions you would feel if you were to actually get the thing you desired most. What would it feel like to win the lottery? Feel all the emotions you would experience and allow yourself to feel the joy you would feel after getting what you wanted. Try to let yourself sit in those emotions for a few minutes a day. When you visualize yourself getting what you want and feel the emotions that come along with that, it will trick your brain into thinking it had actually happened. These two steps will begin the momentum of the energy needed for the LOA to begin working. 

Step #3- Gratitude. Feeling grateful not only helps to shift people away from spiraling into a negative direction, but it also goes hand in hand with Step #2 regarding feeling as if you already received what you wanted. This is because feeling grateful will help you to feel the emotions quicker and easier from my experience. You can start off by thinking or writing down specific aspects of your life you are grateful for already and then from there, start to write down exactly what it is you want in life. Try to allow yourself to feel the overwhelming rush of gratitude that would come over you if you manifested your desires. This will help you naturally become more aligned with them.

Step #4-Inspired action. This is the vital step I felt The Secret kind of left out-taking action towards achieving your desire. When I first watched and read The Secret, like most people, I thought I could just sit on my couch and think my desires into existence without taking any actions. It doesn’t have to be this extravagant action you take, but you have to make some sort of action towards your desires. If you desire to be a famous painter, start painting every single day, add it to your daily routine. Picture what your daily routine would look like if you had accomplished what you desire and show up as that person everyday. Act as if you already achieved your desires. Use the LOA so it works for you and not against you.

Step #5- Believe it and let it go. If deep in your core, you do not believe the LOA is real, then it won’t work. You are not in a vibrational alignment if you don’t truly believe you can manifest your desires. You have to KNOW it is going to work in order to work and that is the most difficult part in my opinion. I have a guilty pleasure of playing the lotto, Publishers Clearing House and scratch offs, but I have never hit a jackpot like I wish. This is because I don’t truly believe I will and that is my problem. I know the LOA has worked for me on a “smaller” scale such as receiving a specific scholarship that paid for my nursing school (which is kind of like winning the lotto!), purchasing a specific house, starting a Reiki business, getting an Infrared Sauna etc. However, when it comes to the lottery, I create so much resistance by thinking about it all the time and wanting to win so badly. This is one of the problems we all face when it comes to the LOA. We need to believe it’s in the works, let go and allow the universe to work its magic.

I think the LOA is hard for most of us to believe because it goes against what a lot of us were taught as children. How many of you growing up were taught “you have to work really hard for what you want and it does not come easily” ? After learning about the LOA however, I started to see how that belief can work against us. If we believe working really hard is the only way we can get what we want, then it will become true, as the LOA is always working. That is the magic of the Law of Attraction. (I am not saying it is a bad thing to work hard for what you want-everything I have, I worked hard for, but I am saying there is an easier way & I wish I knew all of this when I was younger!)

One way to begin using the LOA in your life on a smaller scale, can just be to visualize something small such as a bird feather or specific shell, anything that is not significant to you. By trying to attract something small like a feather into your life will help you believe in the LOA more and help you build that momentum to start creating your ideal life. I say something that is not significant to you because if it is something we really want in life, we tend to create more resistance to that thing by wanting it so much, which is why I think Step #5 “Letting Go” tends to be the most difficult. All you have to do is say what you want, write it down, visualize the specifics, feel the emotions and just let it go after that-it’s that simple even though our ego will tell us it’s not, which is a whole blog in itself 😉

I am no expert on the LOA, but I would not be living the life I am now without learning to manifest and attract things into my life by using the Law of Attraction, which is why I felt it was necessary to include the Law of Attraction on my blog. I hope it changes your life in a positive way as it has with mine.

My Favorite LOA Content (other than The Secret) :

*The Abraham Hicks books: The Law of Attraction & Ask And It Is Given being my favorites

*Dr. Joe Dispenza, Bashar-Darryl Anka, Dr. Wayne Dyer & Eckhart Tolle

*My fav LOA Instagram accounts-Aaron Doughty, Drew Canole (Owner of Organifi) and Stephanie Keith 🙂




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